Class styles rooted in nature.

Curated from Ancient Wisdom + Modern Movement

  • Realign

    Practices that create balance and harmony.

  • Reconnect

    Journeys that deepen your connection with yourself.

  • Reignite

    Classes that invigorate and reenergize your spirit.

  • Reset

    Classes to rejuvenate and restore your well-being.


Signature classes and events tailored for women experiencing burnout.

We blend the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with modern movement to enhance strength, mobility, and flexibility.

Our classes are categorized into four unique elements, each designed to energize, balance, reconnect, or reset your body and mind.

Join us for in person events, or online classes and series.


Element: Fire (Agni). Uplifting classes are related to the fire element, as they aim to increase energy, warmth, and intensity in the body and mind. Just as fire is dynamic and transformative, these classes aim to boost vitality and ignite the inner fire.


Element: Earth (Prithvi). Balancing classes are associated with the earth element, as they focus on grounding, stability, and finding a sense of balance. Just as the earth is stable and provides a solid foundation, these classes aim to create a firm and centered foundation for well-being.


Element: Water (Apas). Soothing classes are connected to the water element, as they aim to provide a sense of fluidity, calmness, and relaxation. Water flows gently and soothes, just as these classes aim to ease stress and promote tranquility.


Element: Air (Vayu). Empowering classes are linked to the air element, as they aim to enhance confidence, inner strength, and self-empowerment. Air represents freedom and empowerment, and these classes aim to uplift and empower the spirit.