What is Ayu-Yoga and AYULATES signature classes.

To understand our signature classes; you’ll first need a brief on Ayurveda and Yoga separately. Both are 5000 year old teachings that offer us inner healing modalities and liberation back to self.

Ayurveda - is the sister science of Yoga, emerging from the Vedas over 5000 years ago with the “knowledge” or self healing. Yoga, also emerging in the same time offer us “union” or liberation.

Both are mindful of the mind and body as a whole. including the energy and mental body.

Ayu or Ayur Yoga is the pairing of philosophies. When brought into a asana (poses) class - it can feel similar to any regular yoga class you may have visited but it’s slightly different.

An Ayu approach to a yoga class would be custom fit (this is why we love private classes!) Although the science of Ayurveda offers us the wisdom from within; a teacher can guide us there through yoga.

An AyuYoga class is based on the elements of nature and the energetic body just as much as the physical benefits. Offering very particular sequences, holds and breath work can either irritate or balance your dosha.

A pitta may want a power yoga class due to their sharp and willful nature; but perhaps a cooling moderate class will offer a more energy balance to their overly active anger concerns.

A vata imbalanced individual may struggle with a 90 mins power vinyasa flow due to the flighty nature of their mind and depleted energy levels in the body - causing more stress on their joint long term. They will need something more grounding and introspective to keep focused.

The AYULATES class offers classes based off the energetics of the balancing and pacifying principles of the elements AND the qualities (gunas). This is where you are able to explore a range of classes based on your own inner guidance. Additionally, we add the element of modern movement (because you want a work in AND work out) through Pilates and barre inspired in some of our functional classes. We love a traditional HATHA class offering mudras, mantra and deeper pranayama (breathwork). A vinyasa is standard in the yoga community of the west; which means to ‘place in a particular way’ - so everything is intentional. The 10 signature classes offer classes for ALL doshas. To be clear, just because of a Pitta imbalance doesn’t mean you can’t rock a good sweat with Agni Ignite. Or a Kapha shouldn’t do a Yin. Our mission for our classes is to introduce the true knowledge before you’re on the mat. It' starts with you - and what you need. Being intentional with you class and practice and remembering every day the body may need something new (great for the fascia!).

We want to offer you a variety of classes for your energetic needs and your time. A 20 mins yin class or a 15 Deep Work In? We got you! That’s where the modernization comes in and for you to remember, the benefits truly happen from within.

Explore our classes and build your Ayu-Yoga practice with us today!


Dosha’s of the season: how to align with the elements


The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda: For each Dosha