5 Tips for Yoni and Vaginal Health

Ayurveda puts a strong emphasis on the overall health and well being of women, as the Shakti energy is considered a sacred force of nature. The shakti energy resides in the womb (including vagina and canal) or yoni of a woman and can be activated through intentional movement, pranyama and nourishment of women’s health. The sacral chakra located in the womb space is the element of water, energy of flow. When blocked, not only will you experience disruption in your cycle, but abnormal symptoms in both physical and energetic ways.

Disorders or imbalances can be caused by several factors. The largest one is trauma both physical and emotional. Because the sacral chakra is our houses our energy of pleasure and creativity; when one experiences trauma - it can manifest in shame or guilt. These emotions longterm can manifest in physical manifestations (like pain, tightness or dryness) or emotions like fear and inability to connect to one’s body mentally.

Yoni disorders can also be effected by the Doshas, lifestyle and nutrition. The Dosha’s regulate all aspect of a women’s cycle so by understanding this you can avoid and balance out the energies. Some commonn disorders of the Yoni include: yeast infections (candida) which is due to overgrowth of candida fungus, or candida albicans. Ayurveda classifies it as a Kapha Dosha imbalance due to an improper diet that leads to low digestive fire. Vaginismus (vaginal pain) is also considered a Kapha dosha imbalance and is when the vaginal muscles cannot contract or relax causing inner pain during intercourse or even inserting a tampon or mensutral cup. Excessive vaginal discharge depends on the Dosha and cause so this in general should always be examined by a professional but always can indicate the overall state of the Yoni. Vaginal dryness can also be linked back to trauma, PTSD and is a cause of high Vata or Pitta.

For general Yoni Health - it is recommended to connect back with the lunar or mother energy. If one has a disconnection for the “mother” energy - meaning there may have been emotional, physical or mental trauma as a child and one was not cared for or basic needs were not met, this can close off this space.

1) Healing the mother energy requires inner child healing and reflection. Sometimes this requires deeper support through therapy from a health care professional or therapist. But you can also begin your journey to connect back to that inner child through reflection, journaling and meditations. Forgiveness practices, prayer and creating energies around the cycles of the moon with strong intention can begin to heal those inner wounds.

2) Self care and ritual is highlighted as part of every day daily care for everyone, not just women. The intention of loving oneself by taking care of the mind and body creates sacred space for one to be with the body. Top therapies include Abhyanga self massage, Yoni Massage, Hip baths, Prayer, Pranyama, Yoga movements for the hips, sexual health and pleasure, Ojas increasing foods.

3) Ojas Foods are those with high prana that can assimilate strength and stability in the body and tissues. This includes adding yogurt, ghee, almonds, dates, apricots where possible. Including herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric also help balance the Doshas throughout the cycle.

4) Healing herbs can be incorporated in a hip bath or infused within your daily massage. Additionally, you can add herbs like maca, ashwaghanda, shatavari or triphala that have balancing properties for the Yoni. However before beginning any herbal medicines it is important to connect with your health care practitioner to choose the right one for you as depending on the invidual, the medicines can have an opposite effect.

5) Beauty & Love are both a factor that comes from within. However, according to Ayurveda - everything is beauty in the eyes of God so taking care of our skin, hair and nails offers a connection back inward to the energy of nourishing one’s self. For many in modern times, skincare routines offer that feeling of beauty and love from within. Going a step further to connect oneself inward and to nature - a DIY beauty treatment is a loving ritual you can offer yourself.

Try this Rejuvenating Face Mask:

  • Banana 1 tbsp. (mashed)

  • Yoghurt 1 tsp

  • Honey 1/2 tsp

  • Rice flour 1tsp

  • Lemon juice 4 drops

Mix all the ingredients, apply on a clean face, leave for 20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water, repeat 2 to 3 times a week for an overall glow.

Again, Ayurveda concludes the mind and body as a whole system which is why practices for both the mind and body can help a specific condition that resides in one area of the body.


3 Summer Teas for Each Dosha.


Healthy Women’s Cycle: Tips to balance through Ayurveda